In His Eyes


In his eyes, I saw with a glance,

The definition of true romance.

Love that sparkles in a sea of blue,

Love that is honest, love that is true.

A great personality to coincide,

I could see in his eyes he has nothing to hide.

Where has he been all of this time?

I just think that he's so sublime.

I  thank God for sending him to me,

Now that I found love, I finally feel free.

I no longer have to look around,

Because when I stopped looking, it was he that I found.

I feel blessed that God sent me such a gift,

Now in peaceful sleep I can drift.

I finally found honesty, at last no more lies,

This I found by looking in his eyes.

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poetvg's picture

love poem
i liked it

David Richardson's picture

This poem is filled with so much love feelings and sincereness. I love your rythming in this poem and the sensuous and beautiful meaning of your every line. Reading this poem I can see your are a very talented poet filled with your so much sensuality and feelings of sincere love.
As I have always believed:

Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take,but by the moments that take our breath away.

This poem has taken my breath away.Thank you Teresa for sharing this beautiful poem with me and have a great Sunday. Take care.

Dave Richardson

hhickson's picture

Love is grand. When I met my wife-to-be it was love at 1st sight. Only was with her for 15 minutes, the 1st time, but I knew in my heart it was for all time. The next time I saw her, I asked her to marry me. Don't know why she thought I was crazy, it took 2 more years until I convinced her and that was 34 years ago and we have been together ever since.

Love is like lightening, when it strikes it is profound.

Hugs and Peace