Were You Thinking Of Me?

I knew what you had done before you confessed it to me via my perspicuity that you had been untrue. Your flesh must have been your boss of course when it comes to this infidelity!

When you shared you body with another woman were you thinking of me?

Thinking of me, or not thinking of me, your Eros you did share! Tell me, was it because I was not physically there? The distance that between us, we did not create. Red tape and bullshit keeps contents apart. How could you do it, our hearts and soul's spiritually linked what did you think that I would think, and were you thinking of me?

Thou the miles that separate us may be many, the strength our love is supposed to be greater, or so I would like to believe it were only a moment of weakness that forced your infidelity, and were you thinking of me?

I may be a glutton for pain but did you softly call out my name as you bedded her? Or were you so silent as can be, or were you thinking of me?

When you looked into her eyes what did you see were you thinking of me? My feelings have left me numb, I find myself in a state of ineffability. All I need to know is, were you thinking of me?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

From a nightmarish dream I had last night. I wonder is this a sign of insecurity? Some woman may dream also when her mate is so far away from home.... Unfortunately it does happen too, and how it is dealt with varies.

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Ruth Lovejoy's picture

very powerful piece. Not unusal to have such thoughts or dreams when time and distance seperate from the ones we love.