A Dream Lost

A dream is born.

A star arises.

A life is torn,

As the dream dies.

Given, my heart

Was not enough

Asked to depart,

A workforce sloughed.

Friends lost

To the Ax,

The human cost,

High, that’s a fact.

A new dream is born

New stars arise,

Moving on forlorn,

Until the pain subsides.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Poetic ramblings as I sort through my emotions of being a survivor of a layoff.  Companion piece to "Waiting" and "Waiting is Over"

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poetvg's picture

nice work

Yvonne Coe's picture

I read the two other companion poems and they are just wonderful. You have a way with words in your poems and I hope you continue to write for a long time, the world could use some more great writers such as yourself :)

poetvg's picture

wonderful piece .

jgupta's picture

You dream and it becomes real. It often fades and is for the best! So we take our lives in cheers!

jgupta's picture

Time heals! "Until the pain subsides." Happy for you Huck.
Once more I say, Good Luck! Maybe you could find some relevance in my poem 'Evoke in Silence.'
