Rainforest Triangle

Set the environment terrific

Moon the baboons

Sweat it out of the trees

The windy arcade of the mind

Flops like a gasping fish

"Halt the extras!"

(They're setting gadgets stage left)


The crowd vanished

Leaving the air still and sullen

There seems to be a smile on the face of Death

Happy death-men stand in line

To be chopped

Into a ghastly reddish paste

By the kindly chanting nun-like

Mime brigade

I hopped on a dream train

Took a trip to Rio,  kangaroos snared

Developed painting guides

Captured the taste of the darkest

Only Republicans live the still life

I will become agnostic for just one day

Swallow water later

Check the time

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poetvg's picture

beautiful piece
i liked it :*)

Rachelle Wiegand's picture

I dig your theatrics! Very imaginative. Very hip and fresh.