All My Life Wondering


All my life wondering

why am i different

from him her and you.

Why dont i feel the things

that other people do

All my life wondering

why i look at females

and end up staring.

Wondering what i can do to make them mine

and wondering why i'm caring.

All my life wondering

why am i

trying to be the same.

Sick and tired of messin with boys,

sick and tired of playing their game.

All my life wondering

what's wrong with being who you are

Loving women, such beautiful creatures.

Just cause that's not

what our holy bible teaches.

All my life wondering

when can i be me

and people love me for who I am.

Wanting to live in peace

Wondering when I can

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this right after i told everyone that i was lesbian, to express the feelings i've had since 3rd grade

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wonderful. I'm so glad other people understand.