The Life of a Tear

Born from the sorrow,
On the edge to slowly grow.
Summoned to show the pain,
Glimpsing over the horizon.

Peaking at the wondrous outside,
Never meant to show any pride.
It has been here before,
Always a different sight.

It becomes too vast,
Moving too fast.
Falling to its death,
Collides then dies.

How unfair its life,
Created from strife.
So brief a moment,
Yet somehow constant.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I'm one of these people that believe that crying is actually really helpful, I think for those that don't have any other way of expressing their sorrow it's a great outlet. I'm also glad to say that not all tears are born from sadness, some come from happiness that just has to burst from you.

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SSmoothie's picture

been enjoying your talent

been enjoying your talent some good to great pieces in your folio! cheers SS

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

Callesimo's picture

Thanks, I'm glad you like

Thanks, I'm glad you like some of them! =)