You'll always be the one for me -- 4.22.2005

You'll always be the one for me,

When I'm old and looking back on my life,

I'll be remembering how nervous you were that day,

When you gave yourself up and succumbed to me.

You gave me every inch of your soul.

Your heart, your dreams,

I had you, whole.

You never asked for anything in return.

You never asked me to be anything more.

I tried to change every bit of you I could.

Because of me - you're completely fucked.

I was lonely and I called on you.

You were lonely and I turned my back.

I wanted more space,

I was given the world to walk freely on.

You wanted more space,

My insecurities suffocated you.

I tried to end it,

So many times.

But I only did it because you're beautiful when you cry.

So when I'm old and lying next to the man I marry,

I'll look back and think of you.

You'll be with someone who loves you,

Who won't control you.

Who'll let you have your Sandra Bullock posters on your wall,

Who'll let you choose when you have to call.

Who'll be lucky enough to have your children.

Who'll get to call you 'Baby.'

She's going to hold you,

When it should be me.

She's going to be there for you,

When he passes away.

She's going to dry your tears,

And you're going to need her.

She's going to be the one who knows when you'll die,

You're going to be the one to make her cry.

She's going to give you all the freedom you need,

Just remember not to let her commit the same deed.

And it breaks my heart,

Because you were mine.

I'll never forgive myself.

And I love you, always. <3

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This one was written about an ex. I did actually love him, but looking back on this poem now feels strange as although I meant every word that I said, time does heal all wounds and I'm happy to say I've moved on, as he has, for the better.

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Andrew's picture

ill always love you too :) you'll always be the one for me