** Passage Of Time

Today, you have been absent from my touch for what seems an eternity!  Taken from this world in an instant, by the day, now labeled 911!

Why, has not the passage of time, eased my pain?

My son, your loss has been so devastating!  I can't seem to move on.  You are everywhere I look

~ But ~

The everywhere, I look, brings no sollace to my heart.  

I pray for understanding.

I do not understand.

I pray for forgiveness.

I cannot forgive!

I pray for peace.

Peace has not yet been granted.

On this sixth month aniversary of your passing, I still awake in the middle of the night screaming. For a moment, I think that perhaps, this has all been a bad dream!  It has certainly been a nightmare!  A nightmare, that for thousands, has become their reality.

You, and all of your fallen comrads, have been named as heroes.

Of course, to me, you are the greatest of all heroes!


you, are also the son, that I will never again see open a birthday present.  Lost to me forever is your voice, your hugs, your laughter.

We still fight for the injustice of the day you were taken!  The United States and the world fights to destroy the evil that remains still lurking just beyond our site, our comprehension.

So many hearts cry today, for their lost son's, husbands, wives, and children. A day that started as any other, within the shadows of the evening, left behind so many broken, questioning, hearts!

Why, has not the passage of time, eased our longing for you?

Today, I again pray for understanding.  I pray for the bitterness that now rules my heart to disappear.  I pray that memories will again become sweet and not painful.

Will the passage of time grant me the answer to my prayers?  

Will time remove the tears, the lonliness, the longing for you?  Will somehow this hatred be removed from my heart?

Six months of agony! The news never ending of the battle waged.  There is no escape!  I sometimes feel as if reality is leaving me. Would that be such a terrible thing?  Our reality is now a fear that we have never experienced.  Gass Masks for families?  Anthrax in the mail?  Reality!

The passage of time? Can it truly help to ease the pain of so many hearts that pray to smile again?  

I wonder.

I love you son.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Has six months really passed?  This is a sequel to my earlier work, "To Say Good-bye From Hell?" The heart of the mother still prays for understanding, still questions.  Her faith a little shaken but still in tact, she prays for the bitterness and hatred she feels, to be removed.  Perhaps the next time we visit this mother her prayers will have been answered.  Least we forget so many broken, questioning, hearts still remaing ~ I offer you . . .Passage Of Time.  ~Lesa~

View aspiringangel's Full Portfolio
chris's picture

Another sad poem.
But, a dramatic one too.
The images are perfect.
Yes, it is a great sequeal piece.

unrulyspring's picture

I have not finished reading your piece and I am already on the verge of tears. Your way of writing is so real and comes from the heart; this is a gift, please keep writing.

Maysoun Saadi

poetvg's picture

nice work :*).

Elizabeth Erudite's picture

Always an opinion of mine that time will only dull the pain, for it will always remain.

pkpbc1950's picture

Does the passage of time ease the pain? No, that pain is with a mother forever. Six months later, the mother still cries, and she will continue to weep until the day she dies.

Lesa, this is an incredible poem! Thank you for sharing your brilliant tallent.


onelilartist's picture

Lesa, it took me all week to get online, but I love this one. It is a very believable sequel to the other more "on-edge" piece written earlier. You have quite a way with words. Sometimes when I read your work, I hear my own thoughts in someone else's voice. LOL I do like this a lot.

Renee Chadwick's picture

What a great poem, sad, but great, it's as if we are folowng this womans pain, thoughts andplace. The first poem is amazing. I read all the critiqus, asn you know i'm not alone in thinking you rally have allot to offer this plce. Keep writing from your heart, others can take from it what they need.
love Renee

vjochum's picture

Dearest Lesa, a touching sequile this is.
But this,.....

Why, has not the passage of time, eased our longing for you?......

Leads me to say that no matter the cause that brings the burn of "longing" to our hearts and soul, that longing is the field for which God is desiring to move in closer. It is only by his presence into that field at which we shall heal. I think it is through the pain of longing at which God is trying to teach us that as humans we can and will be detached from anything and everything that is solid to our human touch. Whether that be another human, a job, our money a car,...etc. That is all ephemeral. And in turn we are always in a learning process that it is only the presence of God that our souls cannot be detached from for His presence is eternal. God does not cause us to long for Him, because longing is painful and He has nothing to do with pain. Humanity causes events upon ourselves which create the field of pain of only which God can move in to heal.
Great writing and keep up going!! Thank you for recommending the read.