


My mom and dad fought in World War 2

They made it home…which is every soldiers aim

I didn’t know them before their war but I imagine they didn’t come back the same.


I had friends who were drafted…and Vietnam is where they fought

some of them made it home…some of them did not.


I have never been to war..never once stood at attention or at ease…

so I can’t imagine the fear in war one feels and horrors in a war one sees.


When I see someone who is fighting or has fought in war

I want to let them know I’m grateful…but I’m always a little nervous

I don’t want to put them on the spot..

So I usually say, “Thank you for your service.”


But, ‘thank you for your service’ never seems to be enough

and I’m sure they’ve heard this sentiment a thousand times before…

so I’ve always wished I could come up with a little something more


Until today when I heard a man in the store addressing

a veteran with what I hope is the perfect form of blessing:


He said to the veteran…thank you for your service…

which, as I said, in most cases would suffice…

but then he added I want you to know I try my best to be worth your sacrifice. 


So I hope I have the courage each time I see a veteran

to take this man’s sentiment…and every time rebirth it….

To thank him or her for their service…

then look them in the eye and say

I hope I have been worth it.

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