
I lay here quietly on my bed,
Restlessly looking out the window at the sunrise.
The time on my cell says it's 6: 30 A.M.,
But it still feels like it's still night time.

The words "Help me" runs through my head,
Echoing with a hint of a raspy scream behind it.
I won't ever forget how I became this way:
An insane woman with never ending nightmares...

I'll only sleep a bit of the morning away,
Barely enjoying the happy dreams that'll never happen...
Dark circles form under my empty eyes slowly every day,
Showing my misery on the outside finally.

I fall over on the floor in exhaustion,
Worrying my own best friend deeply.
I just want to sleep enough like the old times,
But the fear inside keeps me from sleeping the darkness away...

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I always end up sleeping like over 6 in the morning everyday and sleep until 12 in the afternoon. I can't help but stay this way since I'm scared of having nightmares at night...

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battlepink's picture

I can picture every line of

I can picture every line of this poem.....

Not sure what you believe, but try saying this before you go to bed:

Grant me a quiet night, O Lord,
and give me rest,
for I am tired and need sleep.
Watch over me with love
in the silence of night
and let me rest in you
like a child in its mother's arms.
I place my trust in you,
my God.

MissSaigon's picture

I'm sorta kind of person that

I'm sorta kind of person that believes in many unrelated things, but God is one of them :P I'll give it a try tonight :)