Winds Of Time






The winds of time

blowing gently through my mind

telling me things long forgot

that I had placed deep into my mind


the sweet sound of your voice

the gentleness of your touch

the love that you gave

that I need so much


I long for your kiss

your sweet touch

I miss you so much


do you still love me

I know that you do

cause the winds of time

is blowing on you too...

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Anderson Jennie F.'s picture

Ron, I enjoyed your poem very much. However your may owe me a dollar for using my poem's name, I wrote my "Winds of Time" 23 years ago.

Keep writing.



Ruth Lovejoy's picture

love this one ,it's so romantic

Crystal Hecklinger's picture

Wow, i know how this feels...i really like this poem, its really sweet and loving....and i love it!

Karyn Indursky's picture

It's nice to see someone using the basic couplet format, even if one stanza falls out of the pattern to show how feelings can be too hard to organize in a tight bundle. Your emotions here are raw, but safely tucked in as you play a pull and hide effect. You tell of whispering winds reminding you of her sleek tongue, exploring fingernails, and all, but you get to your emotions you keep them at bay by not going fully into them, which is the hide effect. It works extremely well here and made me think about what went on in your relationship. I couldn't help smiling when I got to you stating she still loves you and feels the wind singing your bitter, sweet love song.