
My Thoughts

Why can't I be the person who others see?

And why do I hide behind false truths?

I just want to see who I am, and what I could be

But I'm so afraid I won't recognize myself

And that's so sad, not knowing who I am

I just hope I'm not the only one feeling this

Surely if I hide myself others do too, but why?

It always comes back to 'why?'

Why can't I just let go and let my walls break?

And why do I stand behind the only comfort I know?

I know the only way to change is with work

But I'm so scared to let others see

What if I show them and they turn away

What if I live my life like the way I'm living it today

Just help me lose this insincerity and hollowness

I don't want to come back to 'why?'

Not to why I didn't change

But to why it took so long to

I don't want to live my life this way

I don't want to live my life not being me

I just need some time to straighten this all out

I just need some time to myself

And maybe, just maybe a little help

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is about question your smallest decisions, which lead to who you are. It's about getting your prioties straight, and realizing how backwards you thought about life. ("Take life one day at a time, or life will take one day at a time from you.") CHANGE YOUR MIND!!!

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Outstanding in every

Outstanding in every way.....Very clear vision of this thought...