Roanoke Revised





He rode from the Mountains bags packed and tight,

they were ready to start! Ready to ride.

Waiting for order's, they fought to the end.

Holding out hard, ready to begin.

One soldier left, he'll give it his all.

Right to the last's, bugle call!

He stood there proud, high in his heels.

Grabbing his sword, gave a Warrior squeal!

He reached in his pocket, for round six.

 Fired shots off, quick as bliss.

He hit his mark, as fast as can be,

flashes of light started blazing.

He rode his pony, spur heels dug in.

Till his grave, he'll always win!


William J. Roney III
Copyright (C) 2008

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"Fired shots off, quick as

"Fired shots off, quick as bliss."  Wow, what a simile; the best I have read all day.  Are you familiar with the French poet and diplomat, Paul Claudel (he was France's ambassador to the USA in the mid-twenties).  His poetry is full of the most remarkable metaphors and similes, and your shots quick as bliss reminded me very much of some of his stuff (which I have to read in translation, as I have no French).

Starward, to become J-Called on June 17th, 2024

williamjroneyiii's picture



I don't know how to spell and I

don't know how to write.

But I have 3 computers that help me with short

stories. I'm a High school drop out that makes advertising poems.

I own Solo Surveillance and I watch for my unauthorized prints to be published.

Try looking up "35 exit 169" and some more I wrote to see me missing in action.

Good Luck To Us:


William J. Roney III

S74rw4rd's picture

Not sure how to respond to

Not sure how to respond to this, except that I really like the metaphor in that poem, and I rarely compare anyone to Claudel, but your metaphor seemed, to me, to be like some of his, and his poetry was very often acclaimed for the splendor of his metaphors and similes.  Your poem reminded me of that and, in my clumsy way, I was just trying to convey that.

Starward, to become J-Called on June 17th, 2024

williamjroneyiii's picture




I can tell you had schooled I wrote down your E-mail

and will see a few of your work but Your too Rich for me!


Lots of rights...

William J. Roney III

williamjroneyiii's picture

This a Military family



I'm trying starsaved to find you, and a few others.

I'm from a military family so I don't sleep cause of the "Germ Warfare"

North Korea first to pull off thru China. Un told Trump they have a surprise

that will reach Wash D.C. in the Army we have Nclear, Bio and Chemical weapons.

Bio kills fast Merry Christmas! Trump has no proof but to blame China. I was watching closely, this happened in January 2020! Trump called "Germ Warfare"...

"Germ Warfare"

I stay in on dreary days, avoiding people in my way.

The world is turning in a fit, someone out there took a hit.

Spreading germs, no one can't see.

The world is ending, it seems to me.




William J. Roney III


Copyright (C) 2020

William J. Roney III

S74rw4rd's picture

Why would you be trying to

Why would you be trying to find me?  I am right here.  Not sure how we got to germ warfare from poetry.  

Starward, to become J-Called on June 17th, 2024