al, did you oil the red deer at my phony mill on the fourth of july?
i have no reasons remaining, the chicken went and stole my alibi.
dr. tu now owns the big fish fingers on kenwood road.
can i tell him now how much i really growed?
jimmy saw you feed a hill.
you have to be sneaky to be still.
keith is off to the lake to wet the mop from the top of the eiffel tower.
have i told you lately that i like eating flour?
our store in midtown plaza canoed down the river at the end of may.
it takes fifty tries to move the moldy hay.
bastille day is in honour of myrtle beach.
i need a toothbrush that is reach.
you are red ink.
these dolphins are pink.
gus asked if memorial day honours a jumping box.
i told him to break open those locks.
jam an owl in a car and waste time trying to find it.
i'll never use it, never see it, never be it, forget it.
it is right for the man to eat junk in oily waters at a bare reef,
as long as later on, he forgets to eat his leaf.
quit the lemon pizza maze.
eat the jelly and the glaze.
thumb plaza is a vital tool,
only if you are a fool.
glen is glad to squat on his zany red fox,
cautious not to give him chicken pox.
he hops over the hot mall at six,
then he must pick up those damn sticks.
the dog kennel men exit the pepper with a lot more vim and vigor.
lex is apt to fix the apple harp while drinking liquor.
mavis vowed to use my vivid van for six sky dives in napa.
i warned him of the danger, but he hid near king grapa.
but this ends as easy as it begins.
life is an object, the celebrity sins.
down in the city of grass, nothing in the head.
up in the tower, coloring all the buildings red.
submit this shit to dr. suess...along with the ketchup song!!!