I asked hesitantly

you're here willingly

and I don't seem

2 have that spark

or spiritual energy

2 flow

u know?

what's going on?

this is supposed 2 b my

creative moment

yet I feel I cannot

create any writing

that could be deemed


U R here

hence no drama

nothin' foolish 2 infer or speak on

but when this weekend

has long ended

I'm sure I will

be riddled by buckshot bullets

flying sporadically into an unprotected chest

with pain infinitely unbearable

b/cuz u will be gone

see the emotions starting

2 emerge

feel the emotions starting 2 generate

all from thoughts of the

absence of your presence

watch out now

I'm about 2 drop some

real sweet shit

just as soon as your gone

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written 11/28/02 during a trip to my sister's for Thanksgiving.

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Rachel  Marie Tate's picture

Hahaha, the end line brought a smile to my face and a knowing hahaha from my lips, this cracked me up and ain't that how it always is girl? The flow won't go when it knows you're tryin ta blow something on the microphone, (Or even at thanksgiving dinner :-) oh oh oh, that's why I'm like Too Short in the studio, mappin out all the raps, finely honing my art, my craft, no free flow pressure on my back :-)