
He loves me, he loves me not

He wants 2 raise his

little one

he loves me, he loves me


he wants 2 love me

he wants not 2 b afraid

he wants me to wait

fool he called me

he wants me to choose

fool foolish game of

he loves me, he loves

me not, choices

petals keep falling and

I still don't kn...

he loves me, he loves me


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written 4/17/02

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Jessica McKellar's picture

So far I think this is my favorite poem that I have read. It just kept my attention. Thank You for sharing this poem.

Netta Jack's picture

Do all females go thru this or is it just me and you? I feel you on this one. I read it just like it was me talking. Strage how great minds write alike. (LOL)