

You aren't in my life.
Your shadow remains.
Casting a dark hue,
of loss and regret,
over my new life,
over my new loves.
It's been a lifetime,
since goodbye.
I can still see you,
smiling in the darkness,
reaching out for me.
I remember us dancing,
only clothing seperating us.
Grinding out the rhyth,
of intoxicating possibilities.
You set off a spark in me,
one of boundless passion.
Teaching me to expect no less.
I sit here grateful but afraid.
Will I ever again...
find such passion?
In another man.
In another friend.
In another lover.
You are miles away.
Forever lost in your heart.
You need to hide there,
venting your rage and pain.
Hiding your raw aching soul,
from the suns harsh rays.
Silently asking for time.
I sit here quietly understanding.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

More high school romance.  LOL

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