I thought I lost...but am I lost in thought?


I think about those moments in the past,

And now they seem sureal.

Distant memories or dreams?

I cant be sure.

But damn! They feel real.


The birds circle high,

Near the clouds in the sky.

While i sit in the sunlight,

And wished i could fly.


To fly away to distant lands,

To escape where i am.

 While in thought of my childhood,

For the future I plan.


I want to be humble and wise.

Secure and in love.

Able to cherish past moments

That over time fades and dies.


My mind changes memories

That become lost in this world.

But as i grow and i age.

Through childs eyes i still see.


There`s still beauty and wonder,

Between the saddening failure.

In a world that has forgotten

What we are all chasing after


Not the dollars and cents

And the toys or pretty dresses.

But someone that understands,

When your words dont read like you ment.





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sweetwater's picture

You have a good insight into

You have a good insight into what really matters and can express it well. Very nice writing :-) x

a.griffiths57's picture

    The last but one verse is



The last but one verse is very thought provoking and very true. I am glad you meant to write about worth whilness of simple things we take for granted, whilst the race and the chase for materialism and financial gain continues. Loved reading your poem, well written and a good read.




torch's picture

Thank you for your kind

Thank you for your kind words. 

I find in this materialistic day and age, many things do pass us by. Quite a few things in this world are free and much more wonderful and inspiring.

Being caught up in this rat race, we forget that as a child we could have a rock and a stick, and still have the fun...