Your House

Hidden deep in your back yard, up high in a tree,

embraced by heavy boughs, where no one can see,

hovers your clubhouse.

It lies isolated from the rest of the world, buried in branches,

tangled in leaves, soothed by silent breezes.

It's here, you hide and never take chances.

This is your house.  This place belongs only to you.

The door posts a sign ~ KEEP OUT!

No doubt, you keep all of your secret treasures here.

Bubble gum wrappers, worn comic books,

cars without wheels, and baseball cards stuffed in nooks.

The windows are draped with faded dishtowels,

in the corner your dusty, model werewolf howls.

I ~ sit on the ground, hugging my knees, look up and imagine...

all the mysteries.

Is this where my Barbie is held for ransom?

That's what I heard! You nerd!

I still don't like you, even if you are handsome!

What is that secret password?

How can I get the key?

Was that special knock, two or three?

I might be just a girl, you see,

but it ain't gonna be easy to get ridda me!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Some things never change.

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Funny, thanks for reading :)

Funny, thanks for reading :)

darkpool's picture

I've got your Barbie, Geneva.

I've got your Barbie, Geneva. Ask nicely and I'll give it back ... I haven't harmed it. But I'm afraid you can't come into my clubhouse. It would never be the same if a girlie-girl climbed up and came in.