Atop A Test of Mind

The sun did rise on gentle skies, a dreary beauty to behold. 

With it leaked the feet of all; content, or merely willing. 

But so small on ground; in sight and sound, they drawled on far below,

And here I stood from where I should, atop a precipice. 


I wish the part but grudge the life; I'll never settle, see. 

Which is why I've climbed this lofty peak; to see just how I'll be. 

Two sides sing a woeful song:

Be it the retreat to living that's offered naught but life down at a crawl,

Or the succinct freedom of solid footing, that offers naught and naught at all. 


I do not weep for the choice of mine, it's more a test of mind;

To see where I seem to lean; to where I'm so inclined. 


And so the moment shifted to hours, and thereon after that. 

No decision made, or preference feigned, 

We stand here unsure and wonder evermore. 


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Particularly enjoyable word

Particularly enjoyable word play in the second stanza. To me, it helps set the mood as lighter and is influential towards the notion of acceptance that appears to underline this piece.