No Belief

We crawl at our dawn

And learn the better tomorrow,

Yet from a higher view

The things we accrue

Make us dizzy in our vertigo.


We won't fall back to our knees

At the whim of those impugned.

The pace of our doom

Is quickened by whom

Humanity has never bloomed.


Our world is filled to brim

Of trespasses in and all. 

Yet the convictions of most

Refuse to host

Those that see to our fall.


They were freed by imposters hands

And for that we shan't forgive.

The stupidity of those

Who mistreat their prose

And lay waste to one's will to live.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

To those who have lost their lives to causes with no belief.

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Sassylass's picture


writing, well done

great topic.

I lay down my life

Love is the cause.

:) CKK

Poetry is passion,imagination & soul mixing together....
