Be Real

Do you know who I am?- Do you know what this is?

I write about my life- You write about what you shoulda did.

Or what you coulda did, or woulda did- Had you had the chance,

You're making up a life just so you can try to get fans.

Well I'm not convinced- I'm skeptical of everything I read,

You think people can relate- But your words are make believe.

If you are not depressed- Don't write about depression,

If you are not the best- Don't try to give poetry lessons.

Yes I am testing- All those that apply,

This is my art form- So feel free to bitch and cry.

You can ask me why- My answer is because,

Because I'm tired of the bullshit- And the un-genuine love.

My name is Tha Poet- Respect me as just that,

Don't love me to my face- And hate me behind my back.

Don't judge me by my race- Or say that I want to be black.

I'm just me- I have a style all of my own,

I'm taking on the world and I'm doing it all alone.

I'm doing it with each poem- And with each verse I write,

I welcome any challengers- Opposing poets now rise,

This is your chance to be seen- To enter the vision of my eyes.

Just keep in mind- That I will recognize your lies,

I will not be beat- I see through your deceit.

So stop trying to cheat and face the agony of defeat.

You say I talk with conceit- But I have no other choice,

Modesty won't be heard- Folks will disregard my voice.

Just accept me for who I am- Not for who you want me to be,

I will not change- What you get is what you see.

I talk about real life- Things I actually felt,

I talk about the pain and the shitty hand I was dealt.

You should do the same- If you don't hurt don't talk about pain,

If you're not getting wet- Don't talk about the rain.

People relate to others- Who have felt what they have felt,

Not those who talk about it- Or those who saw it in someone else.

Just because you see it- Doesn't mean you understand,

It's like- Just because someones male- It doesn't mean that he's a man.

Just talk about things that you really know about,

Otherwise please- Don't open your mouth.

All I'm trying to tell you- Is to be real about what you say,

Keep your words genuine- And lock away the fake.

Michael C. Lucas

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This was written for all those who say things and write abo things that they really have no idea about. It is also aimed at those who say they love you to your face but they hate you behind your back. Like I said.."Just Be Real..Tell me how you trully feel." -Tha Poet

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Dis is the shit I was just thinkin' about!



I'm feelin the pieces you an POE put down 2!

