The end of summer.

The last swallow has left to dart and flash his brilliance across more favoured lands. Morning mists,the Autumns first breaths are blown across the berried hedges,to be caught and gilded with droplets in September webs. Autumn leaves like bright coloured pennies,rustle and whisper in their restless quest to leave the bough, and fall in payment for summer's riches. Intangible scents wrap you round. Summer's passion spent,Autumn's soft seduction now begins. 

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S74RW4RD's picture


I normally do not care for prose poetry, but this poem makes a distinct exception to my personal preferences in verse.  Autumn is a special time of the year for me; and, although I have not been able to explain why (in the last 43 years that I have loved the Autumns), this poem goes a long way (and I do mean, a long, long way) toward explaining Autumn's mystery.  I am glad that random, but serendipitous, browsing brought me to this magnificent poem.  I agree with the comment above:  what a grand way to start your account at postpoems!


sweetwater's picture

Thank you so much, I'm glad

Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed my poem. It was kind of you to tell me.

TheShadowKnows's picture

Oh wow! This is excellent

Oh wow! This is excellent work! REALLY REALLY GOOD! An incredible way to start your account off! :DDDDD

sweetwater's picture

Not sure if I replied to this

Not sure if I replied to this or not, but just in case I didn't.. Thank you very much.

allets's picture

Dearest Oxfordshiress

U have a way with words that take the reader out of themselves and into the world of your choosing. Enjoyed the vacation - yrpoembuddyfrommichiganusa




sweetwater's picture

Thank you very much, one of

Thank you very much, one of the very first poems I ever posted on any site, I'm glad you enjoyed it :) Sue