Be Grateful : لشاعر من جنوب السودان

Be Grateful

Lying in the comforts of my bed,

I listen to my clock as every second is passing.

Thoughts come rushing through my head,

amazed by the bird that’s chanting.

I think of all my troubles,

for a moment I wished I were a hummingbird.

The skies is the limit for my travels,

and my voice would always be heard.

But again, even humming birds have limitations,

far greater than those of mine.

For I can use a bird's imitation,

to fly in the same time I dine.

In a moment of silliness I wished I were a bird,

one that's chanting a beautiful song.

But since all I am is a piece of dirt,

I should be grateful I'm hearing the song.

Don't be consumed by what's negative,

and things you have to acquire.

Try to chant what's positive,

and for a minute, put aside your desire.

Don't misunderstand, we shouldn't stop dreaming,

but too much negative is not fruitful.

So drop your worries and start rejoicing,

just like a hummingbird Be Grateful.


You say you're the frog, and I'm your Princess.

I say I'm a room, needing your sweet incense.

The frog haven't seen anyone as beautiful.

And the room has never smelt this delightful.

I'll always cherish your aroma,

since it appeals to me as your charisma.

One wish, please keep on making me feel this cherished.

I'm cinderella and you are my handsome Prince.

The dance we had, I kept replaying ever since.

We defied logic, and flew to a dream world.

Where at the end of the rainbow, there were buckets of gold.

Even then we had no desire,

to jump in the water and cool the fire.

More than each other, nothing is worth being cherished.

If you're a solider I'll be your gun,

and If I'm the sky I'll ask you to be my sun.

Whenever you're thirsty, I'll be your water.

Whenever I'm homeless, you'll be my charter.

If you're a wind I'll give you a blow,

and if I'm a river you'll be the way I flow.

What we need, and value most is what becomes "cherished".

قريبا المزيد من ابداع جنوب بلادى
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Author's Notes/Comments: 

ساهم فى  توثيق  الثقافة السودانية

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Afzal Shauq's picture

wow.. good english collection the logics expressed in this poem with a good idea.. I went through few of your poems and loved them are good poet and hope you never stop writing and add more poems.. this poem is good and love it..hope you like my poems too.. and let me know if they also touch your heart.. I am basically a peace wisher poet with 6 books published... I am a peace dreamer, love-based peace promoter... hope you be with me... let me share here one of my own famous say with you... ( a friendly smile is the best weapon of war to fight with..afzal shauq

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