You Make Me So...

Every time I think of you

I feel like I could scream

I get so angry, that it was you

Who treated me like all the rest

A promise that you made to me

That someone you'd never be

You'd never cause me pain like them

Your love was far too strong for that

So innocent that look you wore

As if you pulled it on over your head

Like yesterdays clothes just thrown on

Every time I see you goddamn face

The pain rushes back in so fast

Reminding me of how stupid I was

I fell for your lies not once but three times

The signs were all there, right in my face

How was I so damn blind to see them?

So plain as day, as the sun is light

Yet I fell in love with you, I fell so hard

Only I didn't see what was really there

All your lies and your "I love you" excuses

Everything I believed in, everything I felt

Came crashing down on top of me

I can't believe it was you of all people

My safety, my protector, my everything

You were everything I thought was real

So now we're a memory nothing more

I just can't believe you make me so….


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Nearly three months later.. and for some reason it still pisses me off. Although I know I'm so much better off with out the guy, it jsut makes me mad. The fact that I was blinded by a little charm*if you would call it that* and the words I love you. For once I just want a little real love.

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blissfully_yours's picture

all i can say is wow....i love this one....i think it's because i could of wrote it too....i've soo been there. you are awesome for being strong.

Paul Worth's picture

Wow, this is very powerful. I hope that you have met someone since writing this who makes you feel that not ALL men are arseholes. Women can be dumb too sometimes and we all get angry when someone hurts us. I think the mosy important thing is to look at the persons intent - if they hurt you deliberately, that is bad, but if they do it by accident or do not understand what they are doing, then perhaps they need understanding and be shown how to stop hurting people. :o)

BARNARD FIFE's picture

whew this is really really good it reminds me of something i''m going through now only from the non charming male prospective. Maybe I'll attempt to write my version. thanks for posting this and reading mine as well.

Sherry Knee's picture

I still cant believe that pat did this to u, but now that its all over, u can actually see pats real side and move on knowing that he wont ever hurt u again becuz u wont let him. Guys are assholes. Plain and simple. Some are nice but most arent. But becuz of what u know and how u now feel about the ass, u can move on, meet new people. U know, be happy. so yeah, smile! things can only get better from now on! hehe!
love a friend,

Marina Olevsky's picture

Wow, I hear that one loud and clear. It seems everytime they say " I love you", ur legs just become jelly. And hey, grats on poem # 250! Good to hear from ya again
luv, Marina