
The spirit of sanctus bodes well with hymns
The mind of Sanctus thinks in old rhyme
The world of Sanctus revolves around hymn
The word of sanctus is juxtaposed, opposed within

So what must that holier than thou attitude bring
To best a lesser and Write sanctimonious appraisals
With no idea, no fear and of non gratitude
Scribes of rhymes for hymn to see with delusion
To beg others to see through the dissolution

Flogging with hymn books and gleaning ideas already
Sanctified In rhyme of hymns and lyrics of praise
of hymns own 'Devine inspiritation' how the heavens weep
For such a foul permutation in the use of the useless sanctification
For ones own gratification proves this point so long held
That of this hallowed soulful ground the above mentioned
Has been souly and spiritually found Identified as Persona

Non grata sanctified.

persona non grata Latin [pɜːˈsəʊnə nɒn ˈgrɑːtə]
n pl personae non gratae [pɜːˈsəʊniː nɒn ˈgrɑːtiː]
1. an unacceptable or unwelcome person

Sanc·tus  (sngkts)
n. pl. Sanc·tus·es
a. A hymn of praise sung at the end of the Preface in many Eucharistic liturgies.
b. A hymn of praise that is the last item of the Preface of the Ordinary of the Roman Catholic Mass.
2. A musical setting for either of these hymns of praise.
[Middle English, from Late Latin Snctus, from Latin snctus, holy (from the first word of the hymn); see sanctify.]

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Hymns and hypocrites am I one? Are you? Probably so... HugSS SS

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facethetruth2b's picture

Everyone is in a way ....

Everyone is in a way ....

you laugh at me because I am differant, I laugh at you because You are all the same ...(KoRn) J.D......

SSmoothie's picture

Yes that's true

;) thanks girl!

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."