The World Said...

The world came to me and said
You're just not going to cut it
I won't let you make it here
You're just not good enough!

I turned and argued and pushed
The whole world back
I rewrote my perceptions
and told the world what's what

Jealous of the moon without any cares
Lonely but content to look upon its trials
She lives in the observing of unfair defiles
And turns her back when she's had enough
Then When Bored again, Peeks over her shoulder

I saw the moon and saw the world and
In my imagination, i wrote a new world
Of my own making and rather than partaking
Or observing I had a new idea
I created a World where I have control of fear

And i sit high above it all beside the moon
and tell the other world you're not welcome here
You're just not going to cut it
I won't let you make it here
You're just not good enough!

But once in a while I let the moon come down and
visit because I love her smile.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

You create your world with every choice, every idea. May you inspirations always be of the divine hugs SS

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Creative indeed. I always

Creative indeed. I always make up my world in my head.. maybe that's why im so messed up. This is actually a beautiful poem. I love the idea behind what your words. Great!