Be the music inside you


Don’t get me wrong, my poetic



family can be a very powerful force

for good.


But only – if it serves you, and tends to your

greatest innate desire, to do good.


But the truth is, we live in very special times

where the desire of the vast majority


to serve themselves.


And those, in the self-serve modality

care very little


about your innate desires to improve

the world.



And I say to you – separate yourselves

from these people;


be it blood bond – or marriage bond

and become


who you are meant to be.



Robert Frost said it best…


“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less travelled by,

And that has made all the difference.”


And that my friends,

is the path,

of doing good


regardless of the odds


against you.









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patriciajj's picture

One hundred percent

One hundred percent agree!


With agility, clarity and wisdom, you gave the enlightened minority permission to guard their energy from emotional vampires; to prioritize authenticity and inner peace (and the reason we are in this world to begin with) over superficial, toxic relationships that may be in their own families. Then the path to "become/ who you are meant to be" is much smoother.


Very liberating and empowering guidance with a title that is a poem itself. Pure gold! Just can't praise this enough.