Lover in my pocket

As fear took siege of your mind

Nothing in your pockets

Nothing is what you believe

Starry night hidden in the background

One sleepless night brought you out

One loveless day will take you back

Watching time move slowly

Ticking with a one ton fury

Moving closer and absorbing what I want

Comfort lies waiting

Where it all seems right

And nothing is what you paid for

Can’t harness what you can’t see

Is my temptation a quality that flows from every pore?

With you we’ll have to see

What causes this to happen to me?

Flavored my nights

With you



Glistening with


Author's Notes/Comments: 

this is all I could come up with sad isn't it?

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S74rw4rd's picture



Samantha S.'s picture

It was well written.It's sad but very cute in a way.