Never Forgotten


Death is but a passing

into a new world.

What's left behind is lasting

and never forgotten.

A living body is lost

but not a living soul.

The hole in our hearts is cold like frost,

yet the memories warm us still.

Regret and sorrow are surely there,

words now meaningless yet meaningful.

But don't forget the what, the when, or the where

because good memories are what keep us together.

Our lost loved ones are never truly lost

for they are with us in our minds, our hearts, and our memories.

They have left some mark on the world and on each of us.

They can never be forgotten.

So when you blame yourself and want to cry,

take a minute and remember the good times.

Because even though you couldn't say goodbye,

you will be with them again someday.

Death is but a passing

into a new world...

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As I read I found what people say at a wait and a funeral and at the cemetary. You have written "new" script here for saying it from the heart - Just Bein' Lady A