Flowers in my heart


I let the flowers spill from my hair, onto the ground

It does not bother me much because the flowers remain in my heart
Hearts rupture, hearts mend, hearts fracture and shatter, hearts repair and hearts reconcile 
And in mine the flowers will always remain
"Remain in my heart" I tell my flowers
"Remain in my heart" I tell my love
No matter where I go and what I do I know my flowers will never leave
When it's my time to go, my time to leave I will fall to the ground with soil in my hair
And from that soil new flowers will grow and from my no longer beating heart new hope will grow
And from my death new life will be born
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deepinyourdreams's picture

Good write....and hopefully

Good write....and hopefully you'll find someone who will water the flowers'


Sgdoherty's picture

Thank you

and I think I shall water the flowers myself just fine