my vows

I love you.
you are my favorite person
you inspire me to be a better everyday
You make me feel beautiful and complete

I promise you many things.
I promise that I will always make you full
Your belly, your mind, your heart, and your soul.
I promise to always find a way to make you smile through a frown.
I promise to always be your reason to get up in the morning.
Your reason to work hard and your reason to maintain being an amazing person.
I promise to accept you through all your flaws,
as I am far from perfect, but I promise to never hurt you in any irreconciliable way.
I promise to always forgive you.
I promise you that we, as life partners, will always make a positive contribution to this world in whatever little ways we can, and will contribute to our family and friends in every way possible. Together we can move mountains.
I promise no matter how many times I might loose my way and get lost, somehow I will always find my way back home. My home I know I will always have in your heart. No matter what.
I promise to be the best woman for you, and I promise that I trust that you are the best man for me.
I promise to always try and thrive to find the happiness in this life seperately, together, and over all, because I know you will too.
I promise to comprimise when neccesary, and relish in our similarities.
I promise to always memorise and deeply appreciate every moment together, so to reference when your outide my reach
And I will always love you through our ups and downs, no matter what, forever.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

these are a rough draft of my vows i might say if my current boyfriend danny n i ever get that far...

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