The reflection

The sun pushes up along the daffodil horizon.

Where red and orange have brunch.

I'd love to join them.

But white is such an off-putting color.


It doesn't mean I'm filled with negative space.

When the canvas is stretched then colors poured in.

I'll saturate the reflection with all the colors of the rainbow

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Super warm beautiful morning today.  I'd be best off just saying Good Morning! :) 

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deepinyourdreams's picture

Not sure if I should say

Not sure if I should say "Good Morning" or Morning Glory'


schmuckjones's picture

Either works

Said words are said.  I like those more then unsaid words. Thnx DeepDreams :)

allets's picture

Stretched Canvas

is the best medium for a true artist wielding the multi-colored pallet of the imagination. Well composed .Enjoyed finely, the "daffodil horizon". Refreshing ~Star~
