
An overflowing cup, a bounteous feast,

A life of plenty, a soul at peace,

A heart of gratitude, a spirit free,

Abundance, it's what we seek to be.


A world of wonder, a universe vast,

A tapestry of colours, a future forecast,

A symphony of sounds, a taste of bliss,

Abundance, it's a life we don't want to miss.


But remember this, oh human kin,

Abundance is not just what's within,

It's in the sharing, in the love we give,

Abundance, it's how we truly live.

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arqios's picture

The strength here lies in the

The strength here lies in the extension of and the widening - broadening of our view of abundance! A superb read. TFS Smile

here is poetry that doesn't always conform

galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver

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Thank you for the kind words

Thank you for the kind words :)