A Bomb Exploded

Unpublished pieces


A bomb exploded and everyone still alive
was declared to be victorious.
The sound of death and destruction
was masked by speeches praising valour
and dedication to the cause. Young men
in their caskets were honoured and flags
presented to their mothers, such was the
victories of the war!
Soldiers marched in glowing columns
of impending death, voices cheering their
militaristic minds.
Commentators praised the honesty of
the government who sent these young
people to kill and to die.
"Oh, but this war is just" they
assure us, the licking tongues of lies
masked by their politicians eyes.
"WE are protecting freedom" they insist
from their white towers of protection
which prevents them from actually
taking part in the carnage.
And Sunday morning they would
all attend Mass and hear the words of
Jesus Christ, receive His Body and return
to their offices to plan another invasion.
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Nice poem

Nice poem

Vive le Quebec libre!