
No voices ring in the hall

as last tearful goodbyes fall

Moving on to a new chapter in life

as we look to a new day to arrive

High school memories live with us always

from the morning bell to the very last tardy

Echoes of laughter, good times shine

Each day a treasured memory of mine

We look back to this day, now & always

as we hold those close, temporarily forgetting fears

the future ours to hold, a new world to see

We made it!, As the class of 2003

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this one is obviously about graduation....

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Jenny Pearson's picture

Yes, very obviously about graduation... ;p This is really very good. I like it! Just the way you put everything, it really gets you. I've only read three, but so far I'm liking what I'm reading. PEACE!

dolphin's picture

aww - I can relate to this too, because I'm the class of 2003 as well... I miss high school!

mar's picture

Well, this poem is for all the got out of school this year. Good poem.
Have a nice and beautiful life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~My Best Wishes~