Hasten Legalization


How many people from Oregon, California, Colorado or other state which has legalized marijuana have traveled to a more repressive state and been arrested? How many legalization movements have been delayed by the power of the liquor industries?


Marijuana legalization should be hastened.

Husbands and wives, parents of little children, are languishing in jail. States criminalizing pot are losing tax revenue from sales, from the taxes of prisoners who would otherwise be employed, from the cost of keeping nonviolent people with victimless crimes in jail, from the cost of diverted police time wasted in surveillance, arrests, paper work. Requiring a prescription for medical marijuana creates bureaucratic red tape and expensive trips to doctors.


Marijuana is not as dangerous as alcohol which is involved in barroom murders, brutal domestic battering, terrible traffic deaths. People high on pot do not beat their partners.


A friend was stoned and gnawing on a chicken leg when he realized he was gnawing on the leg of a chicken and became vegetarian.


Both marijuana and alcohol can be dangerous while driving, the latter from reckless speeding and erratic driving while there are more than one pot user who stopped at a green light for several minutes. While alcohol causes many more health problems,

smoking marijuana causes respiratory problems. Edible marijuana, pot in muffins, candies, etc., are safer.


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patriciajj's picture

Agree wholeheartedly! There

Agree wholeheartedly! There is one thing that the US is #1 in and that's our number of incarcerated. Even dictatorships and repressive theocracies that we look down upon cannot claim this shameful status, and much of our "success" in locking up so many nonviolent people is our draconian "war on drugs".


All hell didn't break loose when my state finally decriminalized pot. You've presented some very persuasive arguments and your facts are verifiable. Great commentary.