Southern Cross And Crescent

Stars Bow To God

When the Southern Cross weds

the Crescent Moon..

which cradles some of

its stars..

then we see a symbol

of the Heart of God..

which enshrines

all God's children

.. Muslim Christian

Hindu Jain Buddhist

Jewish atheist

.. equally


Saturn Kneels

Saturn with all his rings

kneels before GOD

.. who is beyond the time,

the duty, the constriction

of the planet of will.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

the cross is a symbol
of many Christians..
the star and crescent
a symbol of Islam

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Veronica Williams's picture

I truly like your work. You've got some rare talent. I hope my great grand children may read your works one day. Keep inspring and writing.

May He who created the earth...continue to bless you with words.

jdarronm's picture

I love this piece. It is a stroke of genius. I especially like the way you repeat "equally" at the end. Usually the things most easily seen have the greatest potential for inspiring hope. After this poem I won't see the stars or the moon the same again. Thank you for sharing.
