@ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; To Oscar Wilde, In Failing Health, While Visiting Nohant

You visited George Sand's estate, Nohant:

You seemed like a ghost, emaciated, gaunt,

unable even to effectively haunt

one room or a closet in which to pray.

Forgive me Oscar:  I do not glibly say

this:  certainly not in the style or the way

favored by haters---homophobes---in their rage.

Though battered too much, your  eternal soul---

is still able to describe the beautiful

(most especially the Homosexual).

Late in life, I offer this celebration---

homage to your words, preserved on a page,

to praise those loves that follow given nature,

despite the world's abusive nomenclature.



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The Happy Prince develops the

The Happy Prince develops the ideas in this poem with an effective cinematic flare. 

here is poetry that doesn't always conform

galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver

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Thanks for that comment, and

Thanks for that comment, and thanks for telling me about the Prince.   I am only familiar with Dorian, Salome, and the "Selfish Giant," and with De Profundis,
