The banks of indecision



Doesn’t everything end up open ended? I mean really if it all comes down to choice than any given moment can swing either way and motion’s hardly binary, its fluid… so really either way is more where ever the fuck it feels like than back and forth... so doesn’t everything feel open ended? Like there is almost no point in action because anything can happen in reaction? Or am I the only one currently trapped in the paradox of choice?

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Beavis's picture


I lived on both side of the blade all my adult life. Short version, act or die. Invaluable advice, in certain circumstances; or weigh your options, your heart, your conscience, and follow that path. Often, its a question of time. Too little or too much. Either can make the decision soooo difficult and irrevocable...

running_with_rabbits's picture


so long story short we are all fucked just do what you do? lol or life will happen so don't worry, adjust? 

Much Love


Beavis's picture

Perspective ;-)

sometimes, you have all the time in the world to ponder your options and Make a good choice; sometimes all that time swallows you, as you don't know what choice to make. Other times, a split second is all you have to select the course of everything that will unfold and you would trade it for all the time fumbled away on YouTube, angry birds or whatever, just for the other half of that second before you have to decide. Just perspective on how the water flows, we drift and spin with it.

running_with_rabbits's picture


<3 I sure do spend a lot of time on youtube....and many choices could have used that extra time...if only time worked like that, we'd never make mistakes and/or grow...

Much Love
