

Your made-up face is so beautiful

All lit up with grace and poise

So perfect


Cries just when it must

But I know even if they don’t

How you look with no makeup on

How deep your wrinkles crease

How many darkened spots you have

Your made-up is so beautiful

All lit up with grace and poise

Your real face is not


Author's Notes/Comments: 

needs work

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Beavis's picture

Great poem!

But it's all a matter of perspective. No one gets an unbiased view of anyone, including themselves...;-)

running_with_rabbits's picture

LOL perspective! My old

LOL perspective! My old friend :)

Much Love


allets's picture


We cover up, it is our favorite thing. I cover the gray. I am a fraud, I admit it. I look a whole lot different, even without earrings and lipstick. But I have good skin, never used compact or blush or eye color (only on a dare) and I have remarkably few wrinkles or age spots. Let's hear it for Vaseline products for 63 years (birthday was 21st Feb). ~~ A~~



running_with_rabbits's picture

:) Happy Birthday my dear!

:) Happy Birthday my dear!

Much Love
