We live in an emo nation


If I commit suicide would anyone care?
You put it on facebook yet no body’s there
Mass marketed sorrow of socialised greed
I want and I want and I want and I need
Until I become hollow as a glass after last call
I pick up the piece just to see them as small
So if I commit suicide would anyone care?
And if I decide to live, would you be there?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

written Nov 7 2011 after a friend committed suicide, again it was back logged in my phone notes :)

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Dizzylemons's picture

Sorry to hear about your

Sorry to hear about your friend, I hope you've found some peace since. I liked the poem itself a lot, some wonderful imagery such as the empty glass, really sets the scene which is impressive when you're only working with 8 lines!

running_with_rabbits's picture


:) Thanks
wow have missed you
not gonna lie for a while I was worried you had killed yourself! You just went silent on postpoems!

Much Love
