Whose crazy idea was this novel anyways?

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So I’m about 96 hours, maybe 120, post miscarriage
5 hours pre ‘use said miscarriage as a guilt trip to get me to date you’
Sitting here wondering how many words I’ll write before the word rape
And my current feelings towards humanity
Well they are hard to explain
But they look somewhat like a game of lemmings
The level with the big hill that heads up towards a cliff
At the top of the hill is a lemming with his hands out like a crossing guard


And in comes my God like arrow of a curser holding dynamite
A maniacal evil laughter fills the sky like wind
And I smile as I watch the number count go down
160, 145, 120, 110
The rest if the lemmings slowly walk themselves off the cliff
My eyes a flame as I watch the counter


Author's Notes/Comments: 

ah fuck sticks...I am pretty sure it was my idea :(

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SSmoothie's picture

Mine swept...

Mind sweep? ;) yes go do that other thing and then come back and do this ting HugSS ;D c'mon I'm dying to read it!

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

running_with_rabbits's picture

:( sadly my dear I have had

:( sadly my dear I have had the block for four days and counting....

Much Love
