She dances His steps of affairs

She’s Dancing bends different forms under very alluring terms.

She’s been in love many lifetimes.Penelope envisioned men of affairs all the times.The womanly mind like no other kind. But minds get shapely all twisted but she knew her own energy.  He stepped inside her she resisted and played.She was in her comfort zone to be laid. Suddenly nothing would bend her you just got to see who she was. Layers of him that once was. But these affairs were coming. Christmas Ancient Celts sensual energy humming. She wraps him playing with his belt. Quite different forms hit Adultery. He knew her so well and what she felt.

They lifted her Ballet body of love purity. She was the life of trees. The universal archetypal she sees through all symbols dance. She stayed with his steps to trance. so transcendental like a spice amassing producing love. All we need is love so metaphoric. over with such abundance. Almost hypnotized like a spell plethora. The dance goes on

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This one I took my energy to think of about shapes and forms. How we connect the dots of passion through life.

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using grammar, but I'm odd that way. Come check my writing out. - allets -