
My Favourites

Her voice came from the murmuring brook

Her eyes from the light of the sun

Her gentle touch from God's own hand

And her hair from silk was spun

Her ready smile was a ray of light

Her laughter eased our pain

And when we shared our cares with her

Her tears were a cleansing rain

God took his purest, precious gold

And fashioned her a heart

And the strength of a mountain peak

She used with a Godly art

She touched and lighted our every path

As with a light from above

She did it very peacefully

With a gentle strength called love

She called out to those who loved her

And those who paid no mind

To leave behind a legacy

That is so hard to find

Her voice is in the birds that sing

Her touch is in the rain

Her scent is in the flower bed

Her memory softens pain

You can see her in God's beauty

In the trees and blades of grass

And feel her presence in the breeze

Whose touch will ever last

She isn't gone as some may claim

But rather all around

So be as she would want us to

And let your love abound

Nature called her home again

From where we all have come

The rocks and rills and brooks and hills

And the peace which she has won

So do not mourn, rejoice for her

For her life did not cease

But it grew and is now

An everlasting peace

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written by Robert W. "DJ" Cameron for the funeral of the grandmother of my dear fourth wife, Patti, and read at that event on the 19th of January, 1977.

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C C's picture

This one brouhgt tears to my eyes. It reminded me of my Mother. Beautiful. I love it.

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Hello again

I am very greatful for your kind attention
