Twitch in the Finger

The idea will always live on rolling around my head,
Everything seems so much clearer the farther from the city we go.
I seem to always make plans when my favorite people want to surround me,
Complicating every situation until I am stuck alone in the bar again.
I got to much time between the points where everyone wants me by their side.
To much time in my head if you ask me,
But I cherish those days but this thought in my head still rolls in my head do they even give a damn?
Mother taught me how to tie a knot,
Father showed me a good time
But I never obtained the talents in dealing with the longest days.
Therefore, I keep going back to the grand scheme.
Some days like weeds, these thoughts stick to me,
I walk around so much my shoes got holes so deep they picking up every thought lying on the ground.
Shit sticks to every thing,
Dose anyone remember to pick up after there dog any more?

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This is Great!

the last 5 lines are awesome in this poem I like the way you got holes and thoughts going together... Great work this is very different and I like it!

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."