"Don't come back"

Crying boy

"Don't come back"

your at my front door

knocking with forgiveness

but i'm running out the side door

i thought you understood this

i'll never take you back

though you were good in the sack

you never returned i love you's

so to me you don't mean jack

don't ever think you can just come back

like this sun burn on my body

thoughts of you make me cringe

a phich fork is what you missing

your drunk with nasty, your on an anger binge

i can never take you back

words turn to memories

i wish i had no brain

visions of you scold my eyes

my stupidness is to blame

if you weren't crazy enough

for both of us

i'd be insane

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I'm really feelin' this poem
because it lets other females know that
you don't mess around when it comes to
personal relationships.