Permanently on Santa's Naughty List

Something happened and my son is pissed.

He found out that he's on Santa's naughty list.

But he's not only on that list this year, he's on it permanently.

When I tell you why he's been banned, it will be clear to see.

My son put hair remover in my shampoo.

And when I sat in my chair, I sat on super glue.

Thinking about what he'll do next, fills me with dread.

Yesterday, the brat put a live rattlesnake in his sister's bed.

He sold all of my clothes and bought an XBOX One.

Now I have to go out in public in my underwear because of my stupid son.

He spiked his mother's coffee and when she drove to work, she was drunk.

My son is on Santa's naughty list forever because he's nothing but a punk.

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sounds like youthful

sounds like youthful exuberance to me.  good funny poem.