What a Shame

Added in 2011

I am breathing yet
I feel dead inside
I know no one can see me,
But I still yearn to hide
I have been invisible to the world
For the best years of my life
Still spinning in circles
I’m just so sick of this ride
Take the knife from my back
I am tired of paying your fines
It’s time to take ownership alas
And fess up to your crimes
This scapegoat has died,
This pawn in your game
I will take my last breath
my hells one in the same

It’s insane to me
How beautiful you were
Your wings spread wide
As you stepped to the Earth
My angel, my savior
My light in the dark,
I was blind at first
you bare the beasts mark
I should have known
Your words were lies, all the same
Love is a dead Idea, just a dream
What a shame.

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coffeewithleonardcohen's picture

Well hello there pretty lady!

Well hello there pretty lady! I haven't talked to you lately... sounds like you've been having a crummy time of it. Email me if you like... I'd say call but my phone is on the fritz. Anyway, I really liked it how you went off on someone for being an "angel"... I like things that are a bit backwards, because that's how life really works. If only we could tell who the angels were by looking.

raminastar's picture

Hello friend :)

It has been a while hasn't it. I am sorry about that. I would start emailing but I am trying to motivate myself to write my paper.. I really have lost my motivation for school work tonight. I think I may try and get some sleep soon but I would love to email at another time. Do you still have my email?