Sunday Morning Sex


The Sun strong, bright,

and held in the sky

like it is high

on helium

trying to force its way

in thru the living room


trying to shed light on

our wet bodies

as they glisten and kiss

wet kisses on the couch

you riding away a night of

sexual frustrations

our bodies smack and kiss

and I watch your breast

fight and push eachother

and they look so happy

making me smile

I feel my hips retain heat

from your loves labor

you cause my nerves to

have paroxysms of sorts

you take steady control of

my release, not allowing

me to do so until you

are ready

and you are ready

In release we become one

and laugh love on this

Sunday morning!

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Misty Lackey's picture

Wow, this poem is very deep and good. I went into and this poem was on random poetry.
well done, maybe I should share my poem cherry kiss
with you? I believe you will like that poem.
this poem of yours is straight to the point. good

Shanita Johnson's picture

There is something about your writing that makes me want to call my man and let him know that it is on tonight..